I chose my passion over profession, to help you transform your life
This is how it happened
My pursuit for physique mastery stems way back to the seeds planted by inspirational Hollywood icons (Rocky IV anyone?) As an aspiring young tennis player, I would carry on training away from the tennis court, lifting weights in the gym or running to school rather than taking the bus. My search was relentless and continued throughout my 15 year career in Finance, barring a period of unhealthy setback induced by professional pressures
Even with this mindset, as I later progressed in a demanding career in banking alongside obtaining a MBA and starting a PhD, I succumbed to the pressures of corporate life and became overweight for the first time. Approaching 30 unhealthy and out of shape was enough to reinvigorate my fitness quest. I started following the advice and programs of various online high profile trainers and uncovered ways of adapting training and nutrition to my international professional lifestyle. The results were decent, but short of my vision of what a physique should be. More important, using typical bodybuilding approaches didn’t leave me feeling very healthy or athletic.
My aim is to help busy professionals become leaner, healthier, stronger versions of themselves - to fulfil their potential - and transform their lives
Into my 30s, I set out to compete in a physique show, and hired an online coach who specialised in contest preparation. Although not quite the outcome I had always hoped for, the result aesthetically was reasonably impressive. However, the experience was anything but healthy. Multiple bouts of cardio, highly restrictive eating, unnecessary training stress on the body – all resulting in hormonal imbalances that took several months to recover from. How could a “fit-looking body” be so unhealthy?
The penny finally dropped when I discovered the world of evidence-based fitness
Under the guidance and mentoring of leading industry names, I finally came to understand the methods to make real progress. Critically, I learnt that this approach meant prioritising my health as much as my physique – optimising aesthetic achievements and being healthy are not distinct – they are one and the same. To excel without using unnatural bodybuilding methods, one must harness all the nutritional benefits that nature has to offer, whilst training systematically to get stronger over time. This goes hand-in-hand with ensuring lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress are dialled in.
The result is a sustainable approach to fitness, where hunger is manageable, and training methods drive not just aesthetics, but a functionally useful, healthy and athletic physique. While not quite Rocky Balboa, I did then manage to become the Hercules Olympia Male Model UK Champion, at the ripe old age of 38.
I appreciate that aspiring to win a physique show is not for everyone. I do, however, believe (and have consistently proven with my clients) that applying the same principles, adapted for a busy lifestyle, enables anyone to fulfil their potential – becoming better versions of themselves with every passing day.

How I’m different

First-hand experimentation
I’ve utilised every training method imaginable, and with the help of scientific research, know what works.
I’ve periodically used keto, vegan, low carb, high carb and intermittent fasting approaches to experience the effects first-hand. I am equipped to coach my clients not just with knowledge, but also experience

Experience with corporate lifestyle
I know first-hand how tough it is to manage a demanding job, family and social engagements. Your fitness journey has to be able to incorporate these factors.
Managing to juggle a career and a physically transformative process is what I’ve done for years. I’m here to show you how

Education and guidance
I provide you with all the parameters for success, customized to your lifestyle and training/dietary experience.
For long term success, I believe you should understand the why, and I make it a priority to explain the evidence-based reasons for what you are doing, whilst guiding you step-by-step
& Mentorships